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other works

à table! I 2023 I photo montage

graphic for the poster XJAZZ Festival Radebeul

graphic for the festival "Kunst geht in Gärten", Radebeul

play, jeu, Spiel I 2017 I mixed media on paper I 20x20 cm

wave ǀ 2012 ǀ acryl on acryl glass ǀ 3X 20x20 cm

sail, voile, Segel (1-18) ǀ 2015 ǀ acrylic on acryl glass ǀ 9X 25x50 cm

2012 I acryl on canvas, cut I acryl glass I 60x80 cm

window ǀ 2012 ǀ acryl on canvas, acryl on acryl glass, cut, painted frame ǀ 125x80 cm

jeu de mer ǀ 2011 ǀ mixed media and collage on paper and wood ǀ 13x18 cm

légèreté, Leichtigkeit ǀ 2012 ǀ mixed media on paper, acryl glass ǀ 7X 24x32 cm
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